There are times you may want to add an additional FTP account for the additional accounts you have created in cPanel.

To create an FTP account, perform the following steps:

Enter the desired username in the Log In text box.

Select the desired domain from the Domain menu.

Enter and confirm the new password in the appropriate text boxes.

We require a minimum password strength and our system evaluates the password that you enter on a scale of 100 points.

A green password Strength meter indicates that the password is equal to or greater than the required password strength.

Click the Password Generator to generate a strong password. For more information, read our Password & Security documentation.

Enter the FTP account’s home directory.

Please note that the Directory text box defines the new FTP account’s top level of directory access.

For example, if you enter example in the Directory text box, the FTP account can access the /home/$user/example/ directory and all of its subdirectories.

The system automatically populates this text box with public_html/domain_name.tld/account.

The account represents the username that you entered in the Login text box and domain_name.tld represents the domain you selected in the Domain menu.

Do bear in mind that you cannot use symbolic links (symlinks) to upload data outside of this directory.

Enter the disk space quota, or select Unlimited.

Click Create FTP Account.

The new account will appear in the FTP Accounts table.


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