The mail client setup found at cPanel >>> Email >>> Set Up Mail Client should have all the information you need to configure a mail client to access a cPanel email address.

Before proceeding, please make sure that you have created the mail account.

You can do this via the cPanel interface by going to "Email" section of your cPanel and clicking Email Accounts >>> Create an Email Account.

Our systems use SMTP ports 465 and Transport Layer Security (TLS) 587 which we highly recommend.

Port 25 is blocked because of the risk of abuse. 

Once you have chosen the email address to configure, click on it.

When the page opens, you will see the settings for secure SSL/TLS and non-SSL settings.

It is recommended that you use the SSL/TLS setting which provides increased security.

To automatically configure things, select your mail client application’s script from the Protocols list, review the system’s instructions, then click Proceed to continue.

The system will then attempt to download the script.

If it prompts you to open, run, or save the file, select Run or Open to continue.

When you complete the process, your mail client will open and log in to your email account.

You can also use the information provided to manually to work with your email clients.

Additional documentation on how to use emails with your cPanel is provided at




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