Our version of the Roundcube email client is mobile-responsive.

To access your calendar application’s configuration interface, you need to perform the necessary steps to access the calendars (CalDav) and contacts (CardDav) account configuration interface for your calendar application.

To connect the Horde calendar to Roundcube, perform the following steps to obtain Horde’s CalDAV URL:

In the Calendars and Contacts interface (cPanel >> Home >> Email >> Calendars and Contacts), scroll to the Direct URLs for Calendars and Contacts section.

Highlight and copy the URL for the Calendar type that you wish to use from the list.

We highly suggest that you use URLs from the Secure SSL/TLS URLs list.

The Horde CalDAV URL should resemble one of the examples below:

Hasznosnak találta ezt a választ? 0 A felhasználók hasznosnak találták ezt (2 Szavazat)