We are assuming that you have successfully created a new web hosting account.

We also assume that you have logged in to your brand-new cPanel hosting panel interface.

With these done, scroll to the Files section and click on the File Manager icon.


Ensure that you are in the right folder or directory.

Select to highlight the file you want to download.

Then select the Download option from the toolbar.

If you are downloading more than 1 file, it is recommended to use the Compress option to first compress the files into an archive, before downloading them.



To compress all the files in your public_html via the command line:

cd public_html && tar -czvf public_html_archive.tar.gz *

You can use the "--remove-files" option to remove all the files after archiving them.


To confirm the contents of an archive without extraction and before downloading:

tar -tvf public_html_archive.tar.gz


To copy the contents of a directory from your cPanel remote host to a local directory (reverse):

scp $username@domain.com:public_html/$filename ~/Downloads/


To recursively copy the contents of a directory from your cPanel remote host to a local directory (reverse):

scp -r $username@domain.com:public_html/$project ~/Downloads/$project

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