We are assuming that you have successfully created a new web hosting account.

We also are assuming that you have logged in to your brand-new cPanel hosting panel interface.

With these done, scroll and find the Files section and then click on the File Manager icon.

Click on the Upload button to bring up the interface.

If the zipped or archived file you wish to upload is still on your local machine, either use the Select Files to select the folder.

Or select the folder on your local machine, drag and then drop it into the interface.

You will see a green progress bar indicating the status of the upload.

Click the Go Back to “/home/username" below the interface to get back to cPanel's File Manager.

Once there, ensure that you are in the right directory.

Select to highlight the compressed files and then click on the Extract button seen in the top left corner of the File Manager toolbar.


To extract an archived file using the command line:

tar -xzvf /path/to/foo.tgz


tar -xzvf /path/to/foo.tar.gz


Check for errors in an archive:

unzip -t test1.zip


Extract a zip file:

unzip -t backup.zip

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