Before you start, note that you can only add autoresponders for non-default email accounts in Webmail.

You cannot add an autoresponder for the default email account in Webmail.

You can add an autoresponder for your email account in Webmail.


To do this, perform the following steps:

Log in to your Webmail interface at, where represents your email address’s domain.

From the email address menu at the top right corner of the interface, select Autoresponders. 

The Autoresponders interface will appear.

Follow the directions in the add an autoresponder section to add the autoresponder.

All email messages to your email account will receive this autoresponse until you remove it.


To edit an autoresponder, perform the following steps:

Locate the autoresponder that you want to edit in the Current Autoresponders table and click Edit.

A new interface will appear.

Edit the autoresponder’s information.

Click Modify.



To delete an autoresponder, perform the following steps:

Locate the autoresponder that you want to delete in the Current Autoresponders table and click Delete.

A confirmation message will appear.

Click Delete Autoresponder.


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