WHMCS Automation Settings is the location where you can configure all the automated processes.

Cron jobs are scheduled tasks that the system runs at predefined times or intervals.

For the daily WHMCS automation tasks to be triggered, a Cron Job must be configured, the recommended frequency is every 5 minutes.

Learn how to set up the WHMCS cron job for automated tasks.

In order for WHMCS to be able to perform automated tasks such as invoicing and account suspension, you must set up a cron job.

This can be done in many common control panels such as cPanel or Plesk.

First, go to Setup.

Then click Automation Settings.

This setting allows you to select the hour in which you'd like WHMCS to perform all daily automation tasks.

It will also provide you with the command necessary to run the cron job using PHP.

Just copy the command and then log in to cPanel and visit Advanced >> Cron Jobs.

  1. Select the interval at which you wish to run the cron job from the appropriate menus, or enter the values in the text boxes.
    • Common Settings — Select a commonly-used interval. The system will configure the appropriate settings in the Minute, Hour, Day, Month, and Weekday text boxes for you.

    • Minute — The number of minutes between each time the cron job runs, or the minute of each hour on which you wish to run the cron job.
    • Hour — The number of hours between each time the cron job runs, or the hour of each day on which you wish to run the cron job.
    • Day — The number of days between each time the cron job runs, or the day of the month on which you wish to run the cron job.
    • Month — The number of months between each time the cron job runs, or the month of the year in which you wish to run the cron job.
    • Weekday — The days of the week on which you wish to run the cron job.

Set the cron job to at the time you want invoices to be sent out and accounts suspended.

Click Add New Cron Job.

That's it! The cron job has been successfully setup.

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