Normally when your account is provisioned, our system automatically configures your DNS records.

But if you are a GSuite customer and also using Cloudflare for the domain, you may make changes to your MX record for your domain to be able to receive emails without issues.

Below are steps on how to do just that.

1. Keep the G Suite Setup Wizard open.
2. Open a new browser window and log into your Cloudflare Account at If you don’t know your username and password, you can reset your password or contact Cloudflare support:
3. At the top of the Cloudflare site, click Select Website (or click your domain name, if it is listed).
4. Click the "DNS" link at the top of the page.
5. Delete existing MX records by clicking the Delete icon next to all existing MX records. You shouldn't be using any other MX records as these can cause unexpected behavior.
6. Click OK to confirm for each record.
7. Add the MX records with the following records which can be found at


MX Server Address Priority


adding the record is more like doing the following:

  • Enter @ in the Name field.
  • Click the Click to configure field.
  • In the Server field, enter ASPMX.L.GOOGLE.COM. Include the period at the end of the MX record.
  • In the Priority field, enter the priority value 1.
  • Click Save.

8. Repeat the steps for the remaining MX server address records and priority values from the table above.

9. Check to see if you've set up Google Apps email correctly by using the Google checking tool here:

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