You can use this interface to add, manage, and delete email accounts.

From here, you can see the following:

  • the account’s email account quota status.
  • the search bar and its filter options.
  • the Create an Email Account interface button.
  • the Email Accounts table.


This tutorial assumes you've already logged in to cPanel, and are starting on the home screen.

We are going to learn how to create a new email account using the cPanel interface.


Click the Email Accounts icon.

If you have more than one domain on your account, use the Domain menu to select the domain on which you want to create the email account.

To see this menu, click Manage Subdomains or Manage Aliases to check your account's domain configuration.

A new interface will appear.

You can find the links to these interfaces in the Missing a Domain? menu on the right side of the interface.

To create a new email account, click Create.

A new interface will appear that will display the account creation options, as well as your account’s quota status.

Enter a new email address in the Username text box.

Do not enter "cpanel" as an account name when you create an email account as this is prohibited.

In the Security section, perform one of the following actions:

Select Set password now.

Enter a secure password in the Password text box.

A secure password does not contain a dictionary word.

It must also contain uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols.

The system will evaluate the password that you enter on a scale of 100.

A weak password has a 0 value, while a very secure password has a 100 value.

You can also perform the following actions:

  • Click the reveal icon (Reveal) to display the entered password.
  • Click Generate to let the system create a secure password for you. The system will reveal this password.
  • Click the more icon (More) to select password complexity options. The system will use these options when it generates a new password.

Select Provide alternate email. and enter an email address.

The system will send a password creation link to this address.

In the Storage Space section, perform one of the following actions:

  • Enter a custom disk storage size to limit the account’s email quota size.
  • Select Unlimited if you do not want to limit the account’s email quota size.

In the Automatically Create Folders for Plus Addressing section, select one of the following options:

  • Automatically Create Folders — When you receive an email that uses plus addressing, the system will create a new folder. The server moves a message that uses plus addressing to a designated folder if the folder exists. For example, the system would place a message to in the plus address folder.
  • Do Not Automatically Create Folders. — When you receive an email that uses plus addressing, the system will not create a new folder. Instead, it delivers the message to the INBOX folder.

Select Stay on this page after I click Create to create another email account after you create this one.

Click Create to create the account and return to the Email Accounts interface.

The new email account has been successfully created.

You can click Go Back to cancel this action and return to the Email Accounts interface.

And from the Email Accounts screen you can access webmail for the account, change its password, change the quota, delete the account or create an additional email account.


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