If you run into this error when using the SpamExperts product, it indicates that the domain associated with this order already has an MX record that points to spamexperts.com.

If this is the case, it will prevent SpamExperts from provisioning an account for the domain.

To resolve this:

  • reduce the MX TTL (Time-To-Live) to 300 seconds or 5 minutes.
  • remove the SpamExperts MX records you already have configured and allow DNS to propagate.
  • configure the SpamExperts service (once the DNS has resolved the domain will be allowed to configure).
  • re-add the SpamExperts MX records.

SpamExperts MX records are:

  • mx.spamexperts.com (Priority 10)
  • fallbackmx.spamexperts.eu (Priority 20)
  • lastmx.spamexperts.net (Priority 30)

You should only change the MX records for the domain if the service has been configured on the SpamExperts system.

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