cPanel skeleton directory allows you to easily copy the same files into every new account’s public_html and public_ftp directories when you create an account.

It gives you the ability to create a base setup for new accounts.

You can do incredibly cool things with this including adding something like:

'require ip $'

to an .htaccess file at /home/$reselleruser/cpanel3-skel/ so that when a new account is created, that .htaccess file will be put at /home/$newuser/.

So visit WHM >> Home >> Account Functions >> Skeleton Directory).

Then just place an index.html file at /home/$reseller/cpanel3-skel/public_html (home represents the name of the home partition, and $reseller represents your reseller’s username) that you want to show customers whenever they meet errors or as part of your branding.

If you are not sure how to go about this, create a ticket at and our tech support team will help you get this implemented once you have submitted your HTML files.

Please note that:

  • any files/directories that are put in a reseller user’s cpanel3-skel directory will be put in all new accounts that are created by the reseller user. The changes will not be retroactively applied to accounts that have already been created.
  • the structure of the skeleton directory is such that /home/$reselleruser/cpanel3-skel/ is equivalent to /home/$newuser/. This means that if we make a file named some_file.txt at /home/$reselleruser/, then that file with all of its contents will be made at /home/$newuser/.
  • files can be added to directories that are normally created by the cPanel account creation process by creating that directory in the /home/$reselleruser/cpanel3-skel/ directory. For example, if a customer needs a particular file created in /home/$newuser/etc/, then a directory named ‘etc’ would need to be created at /home/$reselleruser/cpanel3-skel/ and the file placed in that directory.

If you add this “Default Website Page”, it will display if any of the following statements are true:

  • the owner did configure this site.
  • the owner deleted this site.
  • the domain points to an incorrect IP address.
  • the domain points to an IP address on your server, but none of your cPanel accounts own that domain.


Web Template Editor

To fully while-label your service, you may want to visit Home » Account Functions » Web Template Editor.

From here, you can create templates for placeholder web pages that will show when:

  • the domain’s owner did not configure the site, or no owner exists for the site on your server.
  • the domain points to an incorrect IP address.
  • the site moved.
  • a connection or firewall problem exists on the site.
  • the domain’s owner suspended the site.

When any of these conditions are met, cPanel will display a notification to any visitor to such websites showing them how to reach the website owner or web hosting company.

To modify a template file within the WHM interface:

  • access the tab corresponding to the template which is to be changed is to be selected.
  • make the changes you wish to make.
  • check the changes before proceeding, click Preview.
  • click on Save.

To return to the recent version of the template, click on Revert.

To cancel the changes, click on Revert to Default.

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