One of the best features that cPanel 78 came with is the ability to test your cPanel server email deliverability.

The feature located cPanel >> Home >> Email >> Email Deliverability help you identify problems with your mail-related DNS records for one or more of your domains.

It uses these records to verify that other servers can trust it as a sender.

Once you access the interface, the system will list your cPanel account’s domains and show you any existing problems with your mail-related DNS records.

Using the navigation controls at the top of the table, search for a domain or navigate through the pages of results.

Click Domain to sort the list alphabetically by domain names.

Click an individual domain to view its public-facing website.

The Main Domain label identifies the domain that your hosting provider used to create this account.

For each domain, you can perform the following actions:

  • Repair — This feature allows the system to repair a domain’s invalid records. A window appears in the interface that allows you to review and confirm the system’s recommendations for any invalid records. You can copy or customize a suggested record before you approve the system’s repairs. The system will recheck any repaired records. This process can take up to five minutes, depending on the server.
  • Manage — The Manage the Domain interface will appear. This interface allows you to manually resolve issues with your domain’s mail-related DNS records.


Please note that you cannot simultaneously update two or more domains whose records exist on the same zone.

However, if two or more domain’s records exist on separate zones, you can simultaneously update them.

The interface also gives you the ability to set a Reverse DNS (PTR).

A PTR record (requires an associated A record) is a DNS record that resolves an IP address to a domain or hostname.

The system uses this record to perform a reverse DNS (rDNS) lookup to retrieve the associated domain or hostname.

The interface provides information when a problem exists with this record.

It also provides instructions for how to fix your PTR record.

This ensures that your emails to your customer reach them because it will be trusted.

You must have the authority to update a domain’s PTR record.

If you do not, contact the owner of the IP address.

For example, the IP address’s data center or service provider.

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