The My Account page is accessible via every page of the admin area in the top-left corner of the page.

It allows the currently logged-in administrator user to quickly access and changes their account and security settings.

Learn how to change your account settings in WHMCS

This tutorial assumes you've already logged in to your WHMCS admin panel.

Click the My Account link.

Here's where you can update your personal details such as your name, email address, and signature.

You can also update your template, language, or password.

Confirm your admin password if you've made any changes, then click Save Changes.

That's it!

Your changes have been saved.

Activating Two Factor Authentication

If Two Factor Authentication is enabled members of staff can activate it for their account by clicking the My Account link in the top-left corner of any admin page.

Staff simply click the Click here to enable button and follow the on-screen instructions.

Should a member of staff decide to disable two-factor authentication at a later date, they can simply click the Click to disable button which will appear in the same location.

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