The Staff Management menu in WHMCS contains three sections; Administrator Users, Administrator Roles, and Two Factor Authentication.

These allow for control over access to the WHMCS admin area.

New staff members are created on the Administrator Users page, their permissions are controlled on the Administrator Roles page.

Login security can be enhanced by configuring Two Factor Authentication.

This tutorial assumes you've already logged in to your WHMCS admin panel.

To set up additional admins, go to Setup > Staff Management > Administrator Users.

Click Staff Management and then click Administrator Users.

From here you can view and edit existing operators as well as adding new ones.

When editing an operator you can change all the details of the operator including resetting their password.

It also allows you to see any notes they have made for themselves.

Admin Usernames should take the following format:

  • Begin with a letter [A-Z,a-z]
  • Letter, number & characters only
  • No Symbols
  • No blank spaces

Let's go ahead and add a new admin.

Click Add New Administrator.

Define and assign Administrator Roles.

Enter the new administrator's details.


Only when an admin account is assigned to a department will that admin user be able to view and respond to tickets in that department.

Select the departments to assign this administrator to, and indicate if you want them to get ticket notifications.

To assign an admin to a support department perform the following steps:

Go to Setup > Staff Management > Administrator Users

Click the edit icon next to the administrator you would like to assign to a department

About halfway down the page, you will see a list of all the support departments in the system, tick the boxes next to the ones you want this admin account to be a member of

Once finished, click the Save Changes button

Enter a signature to append to the admin's ticket responses.

If need be, select a different template and language for this administrator.

Enter your own admin password to confirm the changes, then click Save Changes.


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