WHMCS Support Departments are the categories for tickets.

The first step in the user ticket submission process is to choose their department.

Different staff can be assigned to different departments so you can have different areas handled by different people if required.

Learn how to set up support departments in WHMCS.

This tutorial assumes you've already logged in to your WHMCS admin panel.

Now let's learn how to set up support departments.

Click the Setup tab.

Go to Support.

Then click Support Departments.

Click Add New Department.

This is where you define a new support department.

When finished, click Add New Department.

That's it!

We've successfully added a new support department.

Repeat this process for any additional departments you'd like to set up.

After creating a department, you need to assign yourself and other staff to it as appropriate, this enables you to define which staff can see certain messages.

So, for example, you can have dedicated billing staff who can only see tickets in the billing department.

Navigate to Setup > Administrators and edit the staff profiles, tick the appropriate department check-box to enable them to access that department in Support > Support Tickets.

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