A “Push to production” or “publishing” is the process where a file or files on the development server is/are copied into the production server.

Typically the flow goes like this:

  • development and testing on your own computer.
  • committing code to a repository where a continuous integration (CI) system can take this code and build it, expose it on a test server, or used by the quality assurance (QA) team to do further tests in conditions similar to the real site (similar OS, etc.).
  • then the code is finally pushed to a live environment.


This guide using WordPress as an example will help you how to Create Staging for your Softaculous installations.

You can create staging to test the upgrades or the changes before pushing it to the live installation.

Go to your control panel (e.g. cPanel's URL will be https://domain.com:2083 and log in with your details.

There click on the Softaculous Icon or Link.

The Softaculous Enduser Panel will be displayed.

Go to all installations page.

Choose the installation you want to create Staging.

Click on the Create Staging icon you wish to create staging.

The create Staging page will appear with the current installation details and a form to fill in the details.

Fill in the Staging Installation Details:

i.e. Choose domain, Directory, Database name, etc.

Click on the Create Staging button and this should do the trick.

Please be patient as the time this may take varies as it depends on the size of your installation.

Once completed, you can use this staging installation to test the updates or any other changes you may want to test.

Please note that you will receive the staging installation details via email (if the emails are enabled).

The admin/user account login details will be the same as the source installation.

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