Often, the reason for a suspended domain is due to the non-completion of an ICANN-mandated contact verification.

The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) requires registrars to verify registrant email addresses and contact information within 15 days after registration and incoming transfers.

This ensures the contactability of the registrant.

If the registrant data/email address is not verified in time, ICANN mandates registrars to suspend the corresponding website of the affected domain.

Other reasons might include but not limited to the fact that:

  • the email address of the domain registrant has been modified or changed but not verified yet. For existing domains, changing the email address of the domain registrant requires verification.
  •  that the domain has recently been transferred and the domain registrant’s email address has not yet been verified at the new registrar. ICANN registrars are required by policy to verify the domain registrant’s email addresses, even after incoming transfers.
  • that someone has complained about the accuracy of the data provided for publication in the WHOIS, triggering a re-verification of the email address of the domain registrant but the address has not been verified yet. Any reasonable complaint regarding WHOIS accuracy triggers a requirement for the registrar to re-verify the email address.

If you are the owner of such domain, you can still reactivate it by:

  • clicking the link provided in the verification email sent to you by your Registrar or direct service provider. Normally, when transferring or modifying the registrant contact data of your domain, you should have received the verification email. Please click the included link and your domain will be unsuspended within 30 minutes. If you are unable to see the mail in your inbox, check your spam folder or contact us for it to be manually re-sent.
  • request for the verification email to be resent.

The verification mail will be sent to the registrant’s email address used for this domain. If you are the registrant of this domain and unsure which email address is used, please log into your account at your domain provider to view or modify registrant contact data information.

To prevent the deactivation of your domain in the future, make sure that you always make it a habit of completing the registrant verification process within 15 days of the verification mail being sent to you.

It is also important to ensure that the email address you provided to us during your initial domain registration is valid and that you can access it whenever an update is made to your domain data.

After the verification has been successfully completed, the suspension is removed within 30 minutes.

It is important to keep in mind that populating new DNS servers might take a bit longer due to DNS caching.

If your domain name remains suspended, terminated or locked after you have completed all required steps regarding the WHOIS data for the domain name, please contact our support team to help you sort things out.


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