Pubvana is multi-lingual CMS that provides ready-made pages you can use for fast blogging.

It is completely free to use for both personal and commercial purposes.

To successfully install Pubvana and have it behave as expected, you need to have:


  • Latest PHP 7+ version
  • MySQL or MariaDB Database
  • SSH shell access to your server/account
  • mod_rewrite for prettier URLs
  • PHP cURL module for automatic updates
  • PHP ZipArchive module for automatic updates
  • Composer


To start, access your cPanel server via an SSH Terminal.

Before you do, make sure you have imported your public_key to the server and authorized it as our systems don't permit password authentication.

See for details.

This will bring you to:


cd to your public_html:

cd public_html/ && ls -al

If you have created a sub-domain  ( and want to install Pubvana on it, move to the directory.

If you have created a sub-folder ( and want to install Pubvana there, move to the folder.

Pull all files using Composer (

If you've installed Composer in your site's root directory:

php composer.phar create-project enlivenapp/pubvana

To download the development branch, use:

php composer.phar create-project --stability dev enlivenapp/pubvana.

Note that this branch should not be used for production sites.

For a production site, move all files out of the created ~/pubvana/pubvana/  to your root directory.


Create a database and database user with a strong password via cPanel >> Home >> Databases >> MySQL Database Wizard.

To set up a database, perform the following steps:

  • In the New Database text box, enter a name for the database and click Next Step.
  • In the Username text box, enter a name for the user who you wish to allow to manage the database.
  • Enter and confirm the new password in the appropriate text boxes.
  • Click Create User.
  • Select the checkboxes that correspond to the privileges that you want to grant the user, or select ALL PRIVILEGES.
  • Click Next Step.

The system will display a message indicating that you have successfully set up the database and user account.

Head back to via a web browser to run the automated database installer.

Follow the steps to complete the installation.

After the installation, go back to cPanel File Manager and visually ensure these directories have been created with the right permissions:

  • /pubvana/config
  • /pubvana/cache/sessions
  • /pubvana/cache/assets
  • /uploads
  • / (project's root folder)
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