The quota for an email account defines the amount of mail that the account can store.

Your mailbox’s trash folder does not count in the quota calculation

When the account exceeds this limit, the system returns any incoming mail to the sender.

It also sends a message that states that the recipient’s mailbox is full.

The system calculates mailbox quota use every four hours and a  mailbox with a full quota cannot receive mail.

If your account reaches or exceeds its quota, the system may delay notification

So it is important that you track your quota usage.


To do that, log in to cPanel and scroll down to Email.

Click on Email Accounts.

When you click Manage for this account, the system directs you to the Manage Email Accounts interface.

Email Account Quota Status

This status box provides details about your email account quotas.

It displays the total number of email accounts you can create.

It also lists the current number of created email accounts.

The infinity icon (∞) means that your account has an unlimited quota.

The total number of accounts does not include the default email account.

You can use the Storage feature to manage the following options:

  • Current Storage Use — The amount of space that the email account currently uses.
  • Allocated Storage Space — The amount of disk space that the account can use to store email.

Enter a custom mailbox quota storage size. This value must be a whole number. You can also select different file sizes. For example MB, GB, TB, and PB.

However, due to mail server constraints, you cannot assign quotas greater than 4096 TB (4 PB).

Make the necessary changes.

To save or cancel your changes, perform the following actions:

Stay on this page after I click Update Email Settings — Select this to remain on this interface after you click Update Email Settings.

Go Back — Cancel any of your current changes. This will return you to the Email Accounts interface.

Update Email Settings — Update the account with your changes. This will return you to the Email Accounts interface.

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