WordPress Dashboard (a.k.a wp-admin) is the first screen you see when you log into the administration area of your blog.

More like a bird’s eye view of operations, it is a place where you can get an at-a-glance overview of what’s happening with your blog or WordPress website. 

Here, you can catch up on news, view your draft posts, see who’s linking to you or how popular your content’s been, quickly put out a no-frills post, or check out and moderate your latest comments.

To access the WordPress admin, just add /wp-admin/ to the end of your website URL - e.g: https://domain.com/wp-admin

You can also add /login/ or /admin/ to the end of your site’s URL and it will take you to a location that would enable you to access wp-admin.

You will need this information:

  • WordPress Installation URL: if you installed WordPress on the root of your domain your URL to access WordPress would be: example.com/wp-admin
  • WordPress Username: This is the username you set up when initially installing WordPress.
  • WordPress Password: This is the password you set up when installing WordPress.

If you emailed the installation details during the installation process it will be in that email as well.

If you are unable to remember your login URL off by heart, simply bookmark it in your browser.

To bookmark your login URL:

Chrome – Go to Bookmarks > Bookmark This Page
Safari – Go to Books > Add Bookmark
Firefox – Go to Bookmarks > Bookmark This Page

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