Our systems are built to offer customers real transparency to their resource usage.

To see, measure and isolate each traffic, usage, etc that comes to your website, begin by logging to cPanel and visiting the Metrics section.

At this pane, you will be able to use:

  • Analog Stats (compiles traffic statistics for your domain, and organizes the data by month so that it is easy for you to manage and interpret)
  • Awstats (compiles information about how users and bots access your website)
  • Bandwidth (displays bandwidth usage information in several sets of graphs.)
  • CPU and Concurrent Connection Usage (view and monitor resource usage on your cPanel account)
  • Raw Access (raw access logs are text files that contain information about your website’s visitors for data nerds)
  • Visitors (again, detailed information about recent visits to your website)
  • Webalizer (select SSL to view daily and hourly statistics in graphs and tables)

The system resets these statistics on the 1st of each month irrespective of when an account is deployed.


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