Applications that must use an unsupported branch of PHP such as PHP/MysQL 5.6, have to be hosted or migrated to a specific host machine in our Iowa data center.

There are basically two (2) options:

  1. Either update the application to use PHP >7.0 and MySQL >8.0 or;
  2. Use the hosting packages found at

Here is a possible flow to help make the right decision.

Let's say you have a WordPress or Joomla! application that requires PHP 5.6 or PHP version less than 5.6.

If the application can be updated with upstream supported PHP/MySQL version (at the time of this writing, PHP/MySQL 8.0), you can create a staging environment, install WordPress/Joomla! with our 1-click installer, create/update the pages, upload the images and when ready, push it to production.

For that, you may want to import the application to Softaculous.

The tutorials at would help you get this done.


For New Customers

Visit and select either EOL Origin, EOL Starter, or EOL Pro.

Since you already have an existing domain, select either:

- For customers who wish to leave their domain and DNS where it is (often the Registrar) and change the DNS records after the order has been deployed.

or if you want to move your domain to our systems for easier management and support, then:

- For customers who wish to transfer an existing domain to our systems for easier DNS management.


If you are choosing to transfer your domain, we recommend you visit

When you get to the region to use, please select Iowa.

Once the hosting order comes in, our account team will deploy and you (or your developer) can move the files to your new hosting account capable of hosting old PHP and MySQL applications.


For Existing Customers:

If you would want to keep using these versions you are currently using, then:

Visit to take care of any system-generated invoice.

You cannot upgrade or downgrade an account if there is an already existing invoice generated by our billing system.

Once done, log in to

Select either EOL Origin, EOL Starter, or EOL Pro

If you are not sure about the specifications for the hosting packages above, please visit to see the differences.

If there is any price difference between your existing package and the EOL tier, please take care of it once the system has generated the difference.

Once completed, visit and select the Migration Team, and ask them to move your account to Iowa.

They will contact you with the time and date for the process which takes barely 5 minutes.

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