Google Workspace Email Authentication with cPanel
When using Google WorkSpace as an organization and cPanel to host your website(s), setting up a DKIM is very important and highly recommended.

This helps protect your domain against spoofing while preventing your outgoing messages from being marked as spam.

When correctly configured, DKIM detects when a message has been modified, and when unauthorized changes are made to the message From: address.

Before proceeding, make sure that you have:

  • published an SPF Record.
  • published a DMARC policy

Now, for email authentication DNS TXT record generated for a domain by Google Workspace, cPanel Zone Editor tends to only adds half of the record.

If this is not taken into account chances are that you will be waiting for Google to authenticate this till the cows come home.

To be able to add this successfully,

1. Use a tool such as to split the generated TXT record. But tick the "Use quoted format for Google Cloud DNS" option.

2. With that, visit Domains > Zone Editor >> Manage and then click on "Add Record".

3. Select TXT and reduce the TTL to 300 - 400.

4. Add the first part of the split record starting and ending with "".

5. Select the second of the split record and use the "Add TXT String To Record" to complete the process.

6. Check the record with:
dig google._domainkey.$ TXT
If the record is present, then go back to Apps > Gmail >> Authenticate email >>>. Once there, use the Start Authentication to start authenticating email for the domain.

If you run into an issue, double-check the MX records, the generated text record, and other relevant data and ensure they are what you expected.

Also, it is worth pointing out that Gmail doesn't authenticate messages signed with keys that use fewer than 1024 bits.

If you are unable to do this yourself, create a ticket request with our technical support team to get this done for you.

If you need a professional email address for your business or for personal use, please visit

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