If you are a cPanel user on previous cPanel versions, you may have run into a situation where on logging in to cPanel noticed that cPanel File Manager is displaying a different entirely foreign for you.

The first alarming impression (understandably so) on seeing this would be to assume that your web hosting account has been hacked.

Rest assured that this is not the case.

You are seeing this because the other account's directory is present in the /home/$theOtheraccount/.cpanel/nvdata/defaultdir file .

This is easily correctable and on our systems poses no security risk whatsoever to you.

To resolve this, look at the upper right corner of your File Manager and click the "Settings" button.

Select your default directory and save.

The above assumes that you are already logged in to your cPanel and have clicked on the File Manager from the Files section.

cPanel has rectified the core issue with version 110.0.7 which now validates defaultdir and rejects it if it is outside the user's homedir on NVData calls.

If you are unsure of how to do this, don't hesitate to get in touch with our technical support team.

This has already been taken care of for our managed customers.

If you are on one of our self-managed cPanel VPS or cPanel dedicated server customers, update cPanel to the latest version.
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