As a web hosting company, our customer base varies so much.

It also means that each customer often has different needs for their online projects.

The cPanel MultiPHP Manager interface allows you as a customer to easily manage the PHP and PHP-FPM configurations of your cPanel accounts and domains.

You can switch between a number of different PHP versions with the click of a button, and for more advanced users, upgrade to a newer version of PHP more quickly than others.

CloudLinux has a similar tool like cPanel MultiPHP Manager called PHP Selector that allows a user to swap between different versions of PHP.

Both PHP Selectors work with their own groups of PHP packages.

cPanel 'MultiPHP Manager' uses ea-phpXY packages, like: ea-php55-5.5.38-1.el7.cloudlinux.x86_64.

CloudLinux 'Select PHP Version' uses alt-phpXY packages, like: alt-php55-5.5.38-8.el7.x86_64.


CloudLinux patches and ship End of Life PHP versions going back as early as 4.4, whereas cPanel only offers those PHP versions that are still currently supported.

This gives you the ability to choose your desired version of PHP in the maintenance and design of your sites especially for end users who are slower to adapt to the newest and most secure versions of PHP.

Now the issue is that from experience we know that when we have both CloudLinux PHP Selector and cPanel Multiple PHP Manager available on the control panel, customers get confused.


Our solution?

Split up hosting packages between these two so that customers will either see/use CloudLinux PHP Selector or cPanel Multiple PHP Manager.


So as our web hosting reseller, how does this affect you?

Each new hosting package that we deploy inherits the machine's PHP default version (often the latest version of PHP supported by cPanel) so that they can work with lsphp correctly.

So if you need to offer alt-PHP to your customers, you will need to create a hosting package so we can assign a feature list that allows CloudLinux PHP Selector to be available in cPanel but will disable cPanel MultiPHP Manager.

Once you have done this, give us the name of the package so we can upgrade these a Feature List that allows PHP Selector.

It is also important to let you know that you can offer your customers the ability to host their website in more than 5 locations around the world beyond where your hosting account is hosted.

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