Go to your panel (e.g. cPanel's URL will be https://domain.com:2083) and log in with your details.

There click on the Softaculous Icon or Link. The Softaculous Panel will open.

Select Classes in the Top Menu Bar

On the top side, you will find Classes.

Choose a Class

On the left side, you will find some categories of the available classes.

Click on any category to view the classes contained by it.

Choose a Class from. We are installing AJAX Calendar, which belongs to the category AJAX.

The Class details will appear with various details like ratings, reviews, URLs, etc.

Fill in the Installation Details

Click on the Install Tab.

Fill in the directory name you want to install the class at.

Click Install

Click on install and this should do the trick. Installation time may vary in accordance with the size of the script and other factors.

So please be patient.

And that should do it.

The Class will be installed at the desired Destination.

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