To create a snapshot for the account and view all available snapshots for the account, login to...
The first time you enter GDPR setting, you will have to approve the following: User Agreement,...
On this page, you need to enter your email address. JetBackup will use this to send a...
On this page, you can view a list of cron job backups. Creation Date means the time that...
On this page, you can view a list of DNS backups. Domain means the domain database name....
To restore a file, login to cPanel. Scroll down to JetBackup menu and select file backups....
This is where you can download and restore specific files. The download and restore processes...
To restore full account, go to full account backups on the cPanel-JetBackup menu. Choose your...
Log in to your cPanel. Scroll till you see the JetBackup pane. On this page, you can view a...
To view the items in the queue, login to cPanel. Scroll down to JetBackup menu and select Queue....
On this page, you can view backups and access the backup file manager. To view file manager...
On this page, you can view a list of email backups. Email Account means the email account...