Cloudflare only works with the account holder directly.

If you are the Cloudflare account owner, please submit a new support request from the email address you used to register your Cloudflare account. Note that you can also open a ticket directly through the Cloudflare dashboard following these steps:

  1. Log in to your Cloudflare account at and click on 'Support' -> 'Help Center' in the top right corner, which will take you to our Help Center.
  2. Click on your name in the top right corner, and in the drop-down menu select 'My Activities & Requests'.
  3. Scroll to the bottom of the 'My Requests' page and click 'Submit a request' to create a Support ticket.

If you are not the Cloudflare account owner or if your email address is not listed as the owner of any Cloudflare account, you can have the account owner add you to the account of this zone via the Shared Access feature.

Once completed, please notify Cloudflare so they can verify that you have been granted access.

Once verified, Cloudflare can proceed with assisting you with the issue.

How do I add additional users to my Cloudflare account?

If you have lost total access to the original email address used to sign up please review the following article.

I lost the email address associated with my Cloudflare account, what do I do?

If you want to submit new support request, please visit Cloudflare Help

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