Yes. cPanel is more than capable of having multiple users. While it is not currently possible...
Web Hosting Magic does not police the content of your website as long as it doesn't violate our...
Yup! We have an option that might be a good fit for you at...
You certainly can host WordPress with all the web hosting packages. The difference between these...
As a customer with a shared hosting plan, you already have access to the latest cPanel version...
Our systems are built for redundancy. We back up systems thrice per week and for premium...
Yes. Overage usage includes egress bandwidth and disk usage. The overage usages are billed for,...
Our systems are built to offer customers real transparency to their resource usage. To see,...
Infrastructure maintenance events don't have a set interval between occurrences. But...
What Is PageSpeed? Google Mod_PageSpeed is designed to help speed up your website by...
Opcache "validate_timestamps" is disabled on our servers for the best performance. With this...
Since we are first and foremost a cPanel web hosting company, we will be exploring this from...
First check to see if your website is using Mod_Pagespeed with this website:...
The easiest way to see then server hosting and data-center hosting your domain is to check the...
A reseller account is a special cPanel account that gives unique privileges to you. Essentially,...
At Web Hosting Magic, each virtual CPU (vCPU) is implemented as a single hardware hyper-thread on...
VPN If you are using a VPN when accessing our portals, you may run into the log in issue. Not...
If you are on a hosting package with a bandwidth usage limit and your website has exceeded the...
If you are using a hosting package with a set disk quota and the account approaches its disk...
If your hosting account’s email accounts approaches or is over quota, you will be notified. If...
We have datacenters at different parts of the globe including Eastern United States, Western...
When a new web hosting is provisioned, you will receive an email with the subject: Your Web...
If you ever find yourself in a situation where your domain is loading another website after a...
In cPanel & WHM, every cPanel account must at least own one web virtual host containing two...
On any vanilla cPanel server, the cPanel Remote MySQL allows remote hosts (servers) to access the...