Horde relies on PHP 7.4, which reaches End-of-Life on November 28, 2022.

As a result of this, the Horde webmail application has been removed in cPanel & WHM version 108.

Since our production systems run the latest cPanel & WHM, the system has automatically migrated all Horde emails, contacts, and calendars to Roundcube.


To connect the Horde calendar to Roundcube, perform the following steps to obtain Horde’s CalDAV URL:

In cPanel’s Calendars and Contacts interface (cPanel >> Home >> Email >> Calendars and Contacts), scroll to the Direct URLs for Calendars and Contacts section.

Highlight and copy the URL for the Calendar type that you wish to use from the list.

Please use URLs from the Secure SSL/TLS URLs list.

To log in to Webmail, you can use either of the following methods:

Navigate to https://example.com:2096 in your mobile browser.

In this example, replace example.com with your email address’s domain.

Navigate to cPanel’s Email Accounts interface (cPanel >> Home >> Email >> Email Accounts).

Then, locate the email account in the table and click Check Email.

The Webmail interface will open in a new browser tab.

After you have first logged in, the Webmail interface will appear.

If Roundcube is not your current webmail client, click Roundcube’s logo or text description.

You will see it in the Open your Inbox section of the Webmail interface.

At the top of the Roundcube interface, click the menu () icon to open the main menu.

Select Calendar. The calendar interface will appear.

In the Roundcube Calendar interface, navigate to Calendars at the top of the interface.

Click the menu with the three-dot icon.

A menu will appear.

Select Add Calendar from the menu.

The Create new calendar interface will appear.

In the Properties section, enter a calendar name in the Name text box.

Paste the calendar URL that you copied in Step 1 in the CalDAV URL text box.

Adjust the calendar color and show reminders in the Settings section.

Under Authentication, enter the username and password of your CalDAV digest.

Click Save.

The Roundcube Calendar interface will automatically upload the calendar.

To add an event to the calendar, double-click anywhere on the calendar.

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