If you are having problems receiving emails after your cPanel has been set up, you can track your email deliveries by visiting cPanel >>> Email >>> Track Delivery.

Tracing the email delivery route can help you find delivery problems.


But first, check to ensure that your DNS records are properly configured.

To do that, you can use the cPanel >>> Email >>> Email Deliverability feature to identify problems with your mail-related DNS records for one or more of your domains.

Once you have confirmed that everything is all good and green, then go back to cPanel >>> Email >>> Track Delivery.

To filter the records, select any of the following check-boxes:

  • Show Successes
  • Show Deferred
  • Show Failures
  • Show In-Progress

Then select the maximum number of results to display from the Max Results/Type menu.


You can use the Email Address Trace to display how the system would send an email message to the given email address.

It traces how the local system routes a message.

You can use this feature to find potential problems with message delivery.

If all these are unable to help you find & resolve the issue, please do contact our technical support team or your reseller support.

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