As a policy, we DO NOT provide support to existing customers via the normal email route.

Here are the reasons:


1. We do rarely have access to emails.

These are compiled and shared with the teams later in the day.

But often than not, such emails may even be discarded.


2. We have over 16 individuals that are technical analysts, engineers, etc.

A ticket is assigned by the system as they come in.

The ability to have the history of the customer's past requests is critical to a speedy and eventual resolution of the issue.

The same applies to being able to triage the issue as the situation develops.

If you send an email to the admin staff, chances are that that email will remain there and won't be part of your support requests.


3. Support tickets often contain sensitive information.

The best way for us to share these with you is via our secure support portal which is attached to your account.


Logging in To Support Ticket

We have several ways customers can log in to the account:

  • email and password
  • using existing accounts (Google or Facebook)
  • single sign-on via their own system

To link your Google or Facebook account, just visit your Security Settings at

You will see a pane like the one below:


Web Hosting Magic Security Settings

Click either one of these and follow the prompts.

Once completed, log out and test out the integration.

To log in, just access

Select any of the log-in options and with one click, you are inside your dashboard.

To create a request, visit

Select a department (technical, billing, etc), add a subject, provide as much information as you can and submit the request.

We hope this offers you a personal deeper view of how to create a ticket request and get support in a timely manner.



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