Before you begin, ensure that your script uses the proper file permissions (0700).

To change your script’s file permissions, run the chmod 0700 the_script.php command, where the_script.php represents your script’s location and file name.

You can use the Pipe to a Program option to parse and enter email information into a different system.

For example, use the Pipe to a Program option to pipe email information to a program that enters email information into a ticket system.

  • STDIN pipes email and headers to the program.
  • Pipes can accept variables from the $_SERVER array and variables on the command line.
  • The language or environment that you use may cause memory limit issues.
  • If your script produces any output, even a blank line, the system will create a bounce message that contains that output.

When you use the Pipe to a Program option, enter a path that is relative to your home directory.

For example, to use the /home/user/ script, enter in the Pipe to a Program text box, where user represents your username.


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