If the account hasn't been terminated, please contact our billing department to reinstate your account when you want to or after you have addressed the reason for its suspension.
Hosting Or Service Discounts For Non-Profit Organizations
We do offer a discount on hosting packages to accredited non-profit organizations. To obtain...
How Does Hosting Account Suspension Works When It Comes To Payment?
For credit card customers, the following time-frame applies to past due payments: First email:...
How Soon Can I Start Using My Hosting Account After Placing An Order?
Once you signed up for a hosting account and your account is approved and payment validated.
How To Change Billing Account Phone Number
Given that this is tied to your account retrieval process, we disabled it ( along with the phone...
How To Change Hosting Login Email Address
Typically, you should be able to change your login email address by visiting this page. However,...