If your payment method has been declined, do one of the following:

Confirm your credit card number, expiration date, billing address, and phone number are entered correctly.

If you are a new customer, that would be when you have placed your order and about to check out.

If you are an existing customer, log in to your account, visit payment methods and confirm that the information there matches what you have with your financial institution.

Please note that the billing address and phone number entered must match those associated with your credit card.


Contact your bank:

Check with your bank about adjusting daily withdrawal or purchase limits.

Payment declines may be due to these limits set by your bank.

After contacting your bank, you can retry your payment method on the impacted order. 

Contact your Benefits Administrator:

If your card is a Flexible Spending Account (FSA) or Health Savings Account (HSA), you should contact your benefits administrator.

Payment declines may be due to limitations set by your account or lack of available funds.

The number you should contact is typically found on the back of your FSA or HSA card.

For PayPal, see https://dashboard.webhostingmagic.com/knowledgebase/222/How-To-Troubleshoot-PayPal-Payment-Errors.html


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